Barclay Medical Practice
Your GP is one of the many services the NHS provides. This document will hopefully make clear what services you should use at which time. There are many allied professionals that work alongside GPs in order to provide the best care for you. These include Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Physios and Pharmacists are a few examples of who you may see within the team. You can register with a GP in Scotland when you move here to study. We are bound by NHS post codes areas so you can find your nearest local GP using NHS inform.
Please register ONLINE if possible and use our webapp – Barclay Medical webapp. You can access BarclayGO; our 5 minute consultation tool. This is for non-urgent medical problems. Skin problems and blood test requests can also be accessed here. You can order prescriptions and do reviews of illnesses and medications on this platform.
We will also keep you updated on social media on our Instagram page so please follow us.
GP practices are open Monday – Friday 0830 – 1800. We will see you for any urgent care needed illness not improving with self-help measures and ongoing health conditions. We also do extended hours, but you need to check with the Practice you register with what the extended hours are. We offer family planning services via Barclay Plus (contraception including IUS/IUD/implants).
NHS 24 covers out with these practice hours and will see URGENT CARE. You call 111 in these circumstances and will speak to an advisor who will direct you to the best place for care. Any routine medical conditions should be consulted with your own GP within practice hours.
NHS inform is a great resource for self-help measures and indeed pharmacists can see you for minor ailments/ colds/coughs/ UTI – you may be redirected here from reception.
Any tooth/dental issues you need to see a dentist, so it is important to also register with them when you first come to the UK.
Any eye problems contact local Optician.
If you need a TRANSLATOR, you can let us know when booking appointment. We use language line for this and do not use friends/family for interpreting in the clinic.
Sandyford Glasgow
Sandyford is the local sexual health clinic – they offer many services and take the lead on:
1. Termination of Pregnancy
2. Gender services – you NEED A GP referral. The waiting list for this service is long now. We only have a shared care agreement with the Sandyford clinic. This means we can only take on prescribing for your medicines once you are seen and managed by them. If you are getting your prescriptions from a private clinic in the UK/ abroad, you will need to continue to get private prescriptions until seen by Sandyford. Sandyford has their own phlebotomy services for the gender clinic, and this should be utilised for monitoring.
3. Male Sterilisation.
4. PrEP services
Sandyford can also provide STI testing / contraception (as can your GP practice).
It is important to let us know about any medications you are on when you come over to study here. Please don’t run out of medications then contact us about this. We may not have the medications you are on in the UK, and it may take time to seek alternatives. Please register and discuss your medication with us if you are not sure.
ADHD services:
You will need assessed by NHS services before we can prescribe any medications. If you have had an assessment and a diagnosis back home, we do need letters from clinics and prescriptions confirming medication you are on. We may need to discuss the diagnosis with our NHS Psychiatrists so again making sure you have enough medications, so we have time to do this is vital. Also, some medications are not available in UK so please give enough time for us to sort out any medications you may need.
Mental Health Services:
The University of Glasgow have their own Mental Health Service and can be utilised if you a student at the University. This counselling service is not a crisis service. If you need to speak to someone immediately you can call your GP within hours, NHS 24 out of hours (111) or counselling advice line on 0800 028 3766 if a student at Glasgow University.
We also have Mental Health Nurses attached to the Practice and you can book directly with them for support/advice.
When should you speak to your GP – if you have a chronic mental health problem requiring review of medications or possible referral onto more specialised services.
There are other services in Glasgow which are self-referral which you can also use for low mood/anxiety and stress – such as Lifelink and the Primary Care Mental Team can offer counselling.